Dentures: Facts, Figures and Friendly Advice for Seniors

Dentures: Facts, Figures and Friendly Advice for Seniors

Going to the Dentist for Your Swollen Gums: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Herman Kim

Swollen gums are a common problem, and are caused by many issues, including gum disease, brushing too hard, or even hormonal changes. If you're experiencing swollen gums, it's essential to see your dentist as soon as possible. 

What Happens at the Dentist

When you arrive at the dentist's office, your dentist can do a visual and physical exam of your gums, using a probe to determine the depth of the pockets between your teeth and gum line. This will help them determine if you have gum disease, which is a common cause of swollen gums. If it's discovered you do have some form of gum disease, your dentist will probably perform a deep periodontal cleaning.

If your swollen gums are caused by something other than gum disease, your dentist may recommend a different treatment plan. For example, if you're brushing too hard, your dentist may recommend a softer toothbrush or show you the proper brushing technique. If hormonal changes are causing your swollen gums, your dentist may recommend waiting to see if the swelling goes down on its own.

How to Prepare for Your Appointment

Before your appointment, make a list of any medications you're taking and any health conditions you have. This will help your dentist determine the best treatment plan for you. If you have dental anxiety, let your dentist know. They may be able to offer you sedation options to help you relax during your appointment. Finally, be sure to brush and floss your teeth before your appointment. This will ensure that your dentist can get a clear view of your teeth and gums during the examination.

Tips for Preventing Swollen Gums

While visiting the dentist is critical if you have swollen gums, there are several things you can do at home to prevent swollen gums from occurring in the first place. First, make sure you're brushing your teeth and gums at least twice a day. Use a soft-bristled brush along with gently placed circular motions. Flossing daily is an important key to oral health, as it removes food particles from your teeth and prevents plaque buildup. Finally, quit smoking if you're a smoker, as this can make symptoms worse and cause gum disease. 

Take Action Now

If you're experiencing swollen gums, don't wait to make an appointment with your dentist. The longer you wait, the more damage gum disease can do to your teeth and gums. Plus, visiting the dentist as soon as possible helps prevent severe oral issues from developing down the road. Remember to prepare for your appointment before you go, and make sure you're taking steps to prevent swollen gums from occurring in the future. By doing so, you'll keep your teeth and gums healthy for years to come.

Swollen gums can be a scary and uncomfortable experience. However, by visiting your dentist and taking steps to prevent swollen gums from occurring in the future, you can keep your oral health in top shape. Remember to prepare for your appointment, ask any questions you have, and take steps to prevent swollen gums from occurring again. By doing so, you'll be taking the first step towards a healthy, beautiful smile for years to come.


2024© Dentures: Facts, Figures and Friendly Advice for Seniors
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Dentures: Facts, Figures and Friendly Advice for Seniors

I am a senior who recently began wearing dentures, and before I got them, I spent a lot of time researching types of dentures and alternatives. Now, that I have my dentures and my research is complete, I need something new to fill my time. So, I decided to create a blog. "Why not put what I learned to use?" I thought. In this blog, I hope to share facts and figures about dentures and offer a little friendly advice along the way. Learn how many other Australians wear dentures, explore alternatives to dentures and figure out which options are best for you. Thanks for reading!
